Select a New Meet

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Select a New Meet

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Once you have entered your personal details, and assuming you have an Internet Connection, you will be able to view the published list of future Meets.


From the Home page, tap the [Select a New Meet] button. After a few moments you should see a scrollable list of available Meets such as follows.




If you have previously downloaded a Meet, its Title will be displayed at the top of the page as shown above followed by a warning that selecting a different Meet will permanently delete from your device any dive sheets you may have created for the previous Meet.


Note: If you re-select the same Meet, your existing dive sheets will NOT be deleted. This is designed to allow you to re-download a 'corrected' Meet without losing your dive sheets.


If you do not wish to download a Meet, simply tap the Back icon or button of your device to return to the Home page.


Download a Meet


Scroll the list if necessary to display the Meet you are interested in. The Meets are listed in date order with the earliest Meets near the top.


Tap the Meet you wish to download which will then be highlighted and after a few moments the Meets list should be replaced by a list of events as shown in the next Chapter.